Thank you for Judging!

The training links and information are available here by clicking the buttons. We have a YouTube video available for you to watch (if only doing debate start the video at 9:30), the MHSA training handbook, and NSDA speech and debate websites. You don't have to any part of this training it is not required. It is only here for your information and to help answer questions. In the NSDA training please ignore the timing parts. Students in Montana will time themselves. If you have any questions, you can email us directly by clicking the button.


  • What do I wear to judge? Wear what is comfortable for you. We just ask to keep clothing school appropriate. Rounds are held on all three floors of the building so comfortable shoes may be needed. Also, some rooms may be chilly in the wintertime so a jacket or sweater may also be recommended.

  • Is there time between rounds? Typically, there is a 30-minute grace period between rounds. This allows the coaches time to enter scores and set up the next rounds.

  • Where do I go? Judges will meet in room 222/224 on the second floor before and after all rounds. Food and drinks in the room are free for all judges and coaches. Competing students are never allowed in these rooms. Food trucks are also available for purchasing other items in the student parking lot (weather permitting).

  • When should I show up? We ask everyone to be at least 15 minutes early. We have a little over 60 rounds going at the same time. This gives us time to hand out the judging packet and provide you with a quick rundown of the event if you would like. This also helps us stay on time. If one round runs late it starts to affect the entire tournament. With some schools having over a 3-hour drive home we want to stay on time.

  • Can I pick my rounds? If you stated it on your sign-up form, we have done everything we can to give you the desired rounds/events. If you are late to judge and yes being right on time can be late your desired round may be given away. Again, we ask you to be early.

  • Can I watch my student preform? We will do our best to accommodate this request. But at CMR we do provide a showcase night after the season where students can perform their pieces for family, teachers & friends.

  • What if a students timer stops during round? The student should keep going. Annotate the incident on the form.

  • What if a student isn't present yet for the round? You may start the round even if not every competitor is there yet. Many speech students are double entered and may be in another round first. Feel free to take the missing student later in the round when they get there. Being out of order is not a reason for a lower round score.

  • What do I judge the students on? Look at your judging paper and the handbook. They will give you appropriate criteria for each round. When in doubt please ask a coach in the judges room (Room 2322/224).